You are? hilarious!!lol
Hey YouTubers, have you discovered Fat Blast Lifestyle? (search for it on google) You will discover the crimes we commit against ourselves. With Fat Blast Lifestyle, you? will discover how to burn fat quickly.
Make your own coconut milk, have you read what is in canned? coconut milk, yeah, really nasty.
Good? information on your videos, thank you! Hot water w/lemon or cider vinegar ? great way to end my day!
My nightly ritual is a hot organic liver detox tea with lemon and then i just take some silent time with no tv,phone, or anything relax on the ground and think of absolutely nothing then i drink a glass of water and go? to sleep i feel awesome in the I love you videos very educational and entertaining lol
Have you experienced ?Elite Muscle Formula?? (Google it) It is a quick way? to bulk up fast.
If you are looking to get ripped, you should Google ?Max Muscle Extend?. That can help? you get the body you deserve.
cool cocomilk! I actually have an Omega ?masticator? and for a night-cap I combine the powers of: dinosaur kale, garlic, carrot, beet, and some green herb like oregano or lavender.Sometimes I throw ginger or turmeric in there too!! The sugar from the carrot? and beet cuts any intense bitterness, but beware! It will energize you
I enjoy that you have fun with it and are silly. Thanks and keep up the awesomeness
my fist time watching. pls let me know how? to get juice from turmeric. i noticed u boiled milk. im new to raw foods. can u please tell me if smoothie detox vs juicing is the same
My classmates laughed when I told them I was going to lose weight with ?Lean Body Maximizer?, but then they saw the results. Do a search on google for ?Lean Body Maximizer?? to see their reaction.
blend the tumeric roots with water, let it sit for a few minutes then run? it through the juicer to remove the tumeric juice
I like cucumber ,kale,spinach,green apple to start my day? and for when ever I feel I need some extra oomph
What can I use if I can?t find the root locally? Can I use powdered tumeric?? If yes, how much?
I like t start my day and end it with Boiling water and a couple spoons of organic apple? cider vinegar an 2 scoops of honey. Takes a few days to get used to it? Also, I switch the vinegar for lemon? Always switch things around.
my nightly ritual is watching your videos?
I have a cup of rose tea, the scent of it is pure love, then I chat with my love and husband who is away in Pakistan. We usually have tea together, as he is just waking up. While he is away, I am focusing on my health and working on reversing my diabetes. I am doing green smoothies (savory ones), & dont have a juicer yet. I would really love to add juicing to my new health routing. I do regularly use turmeric, &? I love your alternative to using milk, by using the coconut milk.
I really like a kombucha cocktail, preferably lemon ginger and a cold? water chaser
I?ve been a garlic & turmeric lover, turmeric stuff here in PH is very cheap,(I have at least half kilo stock/reserve in my kitchen) so what I do is to boil the turmeric, then have it cool down before I put to ref, presto it? serves as water/juice to our lunch, dinner , anytime to quench our thirst???
I like to wind down at night with a reflection and a nice cup of ginger tea,also I have never seen turmeric at? the store but since we have a number of indian grocery stores in the area I?m pretty sure I?ll be able to find it.Does the coconut milk have to be fresh or off the shelf?
I have not been able to find fresh turmeic root, I m using it already ground up, I love? your site, can?t afford to join yet, but I read and watch everthing you post, I love this site,
I just started about 3 month ago, I have?nt lost much, I think I maybe doing too much furit, so I m trying to do more veggies, we will see what the next few month bring. Thanks so much for being here.
teethe whitener?? no way. it makes my teeth orange!! and is is so hard? to remove! what am i doing that orange in my new white?
entertaining AND informative Thank you Drew!!
My end of the day ritual us usually bubble bath w essential oil -lavender or peppermint ? and a nice hot cup of Linden tea w a drop of? coconut milk and honey.
If I am a little stressed or frazzled I practice some EFT Tapping?. sleep like a baby
Hahahhaha?..your?e? a nut. Sweet baby Turmeric!
AHHH! Thanks for the update showing us how to do it. I guess the first clip got cut off! I have? made coconut milk but never boiled it. Will it lose any of its value in boiling? Can you just add the tumeric to raw coconut milk?
I have started taking vegetable juices as my evening meal, after watching how you do it. I tend to add a bit of everything in the veg drawer plus an apple, and I have noticed I have become more toned and tummy is shrinking. No more indigestion and stomach feels great! Tks
I don?t even know that I have seen fresh tumeric here in MT! I want some!! That drink looks so delicious and healthy.
I was diagnosed with a progressive terminal disorder several years ago and juicing vegetables keeps it at bay and keeps me healthy. Plus when I go to bed, I try to tune into higher consciousness and? say thank you for all the positive and wonderful experiences in this life.
i drink warm water & lemons to end my night & start my? morning!
hiii:) Do you incorporate Spirilina, Maca powder, tumeric, juicing and all these superfoods all on the same day? I bought them all but i don?t know if i need to eat them everyday or switch every? other day to one. What is your eating schedule like?
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