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Help with socially responsible investing - Salt Lake Tribune

Would you like your investment portfolio to reflect your personal social and environmental concerns? If so, you might want to explore socially responsible investing (SRI). Several websites offer a wide range of insights about this particular type of investing. Here is a sampling:

CFA Institute ? Features 10 tips for SRI, including setting goals and objectives, and investigating SRI vehicles, at http://cfa.is/YDr1bf.

The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investing ? Offers informative guide to SRI investing, at http://bit.ly/UwmxnU.

Green America ? Provides overview of social investing, in question and answer format, at http://bit.ly/YPcsOP.

Investopedia ? Offers brief description of socially responsible investing, with links to further SRI topic reads, at http://bit.ly/VKXLAF.

TIAA-CREF ? Spotlights SRI strategies and how they work, at http://bit.ly/WXMPBF.

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Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/55967721-79/investing-responsible-sri-http.html.csp

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